dubai getaway

dubai tourism platinum heritage bloggerati australia 1001 events

It is quite possible that what I have to tell you may be the most exciting thing that has ever happened to me. It has been on my “Life List” for quite some time and I didn’t know if or when I’d be able to make it happen, but now I can tell you….

I am going to Dubai!!

In fact, the whole Nuffnang Bloggeratti team and I are headed off to Dubai together! This is the very first time that such a large group of bloggers have been invited to take part in a huge getaway campaign, and I’m honoured to be amongst them. We’ve become a close-knit group of Nuffnang bloggers from across Australia, all writing about different things but sharing the same blogging passion. Having the opportunity to work on something this exciting and spend time with ‘colleagues’ is just incredible!

The whole group of us cover a diverse range of topics, so the stories you’ll be able to see will have something for everyone. We are fashion, parenting, style, interiors, food and craft bloggers. Can you imagine how differently we’ll experience Dubai?

We will be working with the #MyDubai initiative, created by His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Dubai Executive Council. Yes, that’s right and I can hardly believe it myself, we’ll be working on a project initiated by Royalty!

Shopping_Textile Souk_Emirati lady looking at fabric

Dubai is a land of dreams to me; not only do they have the biggest shopping mall in the world, but is a wealth of culture, history and tradition. There is so much I want to see and experience. The tastes and sounds, the early morning sunrises and the beauty of the desert plains will, no doubt, provide the perfect backdrop to my stories. The aquariums, ice rinks, fountains and markets all fuelling the imagination and creating exquisite memories.

The passionate people watcher and archaeologist in me is beside herself with excitement. I feel like a child presented with the dessert buffet and only a tiny plate to hold it all. I know I will be a glutton for experiences on this trip and these are the souvenirs I plan to bring home.

 Edutainment_Child sitting in a traditional tent

Already I am planning the wardrobe needed for this adventure, imagining floaty silks, golden trims and leather sandals. The possibility of what awaits on the local Dubai fashion scene is simply too much to comprehend. The luxury, the choice, the scale; all like I’ve never seen before. I am fascinated to sit down with tea and explore the stories of traditional dress and the subtleties of style in Dubai.

As my fellow vintage lovers, I know you will understand completely when I tell you my minds eye sees all these images with a tinge of Hercule Poirot and a Khaki clad adventuress. My pulse is already racing.

It is not only me who should feel the excitement of this tough, as I have an announcement for you too.

As a part of this spectacular Dubai trip, Nuffnang has the opportunity for YOU and a friend to WIN and come with us!!

All you have to do is tell us via your social media platforms “What do you dream of in Dubai?” and make sure to add the hashtag #NNDubaiDreams and #mydubai.


Please note that you must remember these things for your entry to count:

  • Must use the two hashtags #NNDubaiDreams and #mydubai
  • Can upload an image, text or video
  • Shared on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram
  • Entries can any format as long as they’re publicly visible and include those hashtags.

Here is the official Nuffnang blog post with all the competition details


What can you win?

  • The winner and your  +1 receive flights from their nearest capital city, accommodation, and activities in Dubai. They’ll be traveling in part with our group, but not included in all activities. Includes flights, accommodation and activities.

Terms & Conditions

Do not let this one pass you by!! Enter as many times as you like and share this with all your friends who may end up winning for you!

dubai getaway

dubai tourism platinum heritage bloggerati australia 1001 events