If you could take a little vacation inside my head right now, this is what it would look like. All bright, tropical colours, tangy fruits and luscious seafood. The refreshing scent of coconut and lemongrass is everywhere. From my shower and jar candles, through to the garden beds full of citronella and lemongrass I’ve been planting.
My iPad is awash with images of palm trees as I not only revisit pictures I’ve taken in the past, but I’m beginning to put together a shopping list of the best swaying palms for the climate in my backyard. Even though they’ve been covered in dirt these past few weeks, my fingers are painted in the delicious OPI Short Stories pink.
That’s the wondrous magic about being on the cusp of summer, the way you can feel the old seasons falling away from your body and your mind making way for a shot of the new, like a style vitamin.
I suggest you take one of these and call me in the morning.
Palm trees, cocktails, colorful shirts and tiki-dolls.. Oh, how I long for a holiday, my dear Candice..
Thank you for sending a dash of summer my way.
Oooh, what tremendously cheerful, fabulous items and colours!!! I’m far more in the mood for summer than our impending Canadian winter and might just have to take a dose (or ten!) of stylish vitamin C myself to help get through the next few icy, freezing cold months.
? Jessica