Making your house a home with simple DIY projects is one of the great joys of vintage living.

Taking what is old and giving it new life, imagining possibilities and reviving the story of something that is otherwise forgotten. I have a few tea caddys no longer in service and they have sat prettily on the window sill gathering dust; now it’s time to put them into a different kind of service. With a little love and creativity they can take center stage as you plan your Spring decorating. After all, what could be a more appropriate way to celebrate the coming season than with taking something out of hibernation and giving it a brand new life!


Time Time clock via Etsy

Tea DIY 2

Tea Caddy Magnets via Martha Stewart (full directions here)

DIY tea 3

Image via Kika Reichart

Tea DIY 4

Image source unknown

Tea DIY 5

Image via Babble

TEA diy 6

Tea Caddy DIY lamp via Shelterness

If you have any spare tea caddy’s and want to send them my way, I’ll give them a very good home!